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Canada needs to move quickly to foster  innovation, according to a coalition of business and academic leaders chaired by John ManleyCanada's private and public sectors need to move quickly to foster innovation, a coalition of leaders from business, academia and supporting organizations said on Wednesday.

The Coalition for Action on Innovation in Canada, which is chaired by John Manley, president and CEO of the Canadian Council of Chief Executives, and Paul Lucas, president and CEO of GlaxoSmithKline Inc., says says it has 10 key recommendations that would boost productivity, create jobs and raise income levels for Canadian workers.

The coalition's 10-page report says Canada's private sector lags other countries when it comes to private sector investment. Canada, it concludes, needs more private sector research and development and more companies that qualify as "global champions."

To read the full, original article click on this link: Canada needs innovation boost, business leaders say