Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

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Any novel idea has a limited window of opportunity to realize a commercial outcome. As illustrated in Table 1, the progression of an innovation technology must be moved promptly and strategically through a series of technical, market opportunity and business opportunity tools and analyses as the technology evolves. 

A good example of a commercialization structure is the San Antonio Technology Accelerator Initiative (SATAI), which uses a Technology Commercialization Model developed by H. Randall Goldsmith (see www. SATAI moves technologies strategically along a path to commercialization while receiving mentoring, assistance and oversight from the intermediary, staff, leadership and any other collaborating partners.

The regional accelerator must be established with strategic business networks and service providers that can be used at different times to assist in thecommercialization. Goldsmith has been successful in implementing the principles of the model in a variety of locations. In Oklahoma he used it in conjunction with OCAST and in San Antonio with SATAI, and is using it now in his most recent work in Mississippi with the Mississippi Technology Alliance.