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Some people are natural-born speakers. They were those eager young souls who volunteered to read aloud in grade school and now welcome any opportunity to present in front of a group. For the rest of us, public speaking is a real-life nightmare. The very thought of standing up in front of a group, all eyes on you, is a terrifying endeavour. At one time I fell into the latter of these two groups. I was always social, but I avoided the on-stage spotlight for many years. Sweaty palms. Belly butterflies. You name the anxiety sign, I had it. Then, a few years ago, things started to change. I say started to change because it didn't happen instantly.

I was approached by an agency in 2007 to give a presentation about strategies for social media success. My initial reaction was no, definitely no. However, I recognized that it was a great opportunity to increase awareness about my new consulting business and, well, the pay wasn't too shabby. Eventually, I said yes. After signing a speaking contract, I counted down the days until I faced one of my biggest fears. Four years later, with more than 120 keynote speeches under my belt to audiences ranging from 30 to 3,000 people, I truly love delivering a presentation. Here are three things that helped me find my strength on stage.


To read the full, original article click on this link: 3 Ways To Wow Your Audience With A Killer Live Presentation | Fast Company

Author:Amber Mac