Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

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The deadline for the $26 million Advanced Manufacturing Jobs and Innovation Accelerator Challenge has been extended to July 11, 2012. The multiagency competition is engineered to strengthen advanced manufacturing and clusters and to create jobs across the nation. Approximately 12 projects are expected to be chosen through a competitive interagency grant process. Guidelines for submissions are accessible here.
The Advanced Manufacturing Jobs and Innovation Accelerator Challenge is a key component of President Obama’s plan to ensure we build products here and sell them everywhere. In June 2011, the president announced the Advanced Manufacturing Partnership and, this year, a $45 million pilot program aimed at promoting collaboration between government and industry in order to encourage innovation in manufacturing. The White House launched the Taskforce for the Advancement of Regional Innovation Clusters a few years ago to accelerate cluster growth, particularly in manufacturing.