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You’ve undoubtedly heard the saying, “A picture is worth a thousand words.” With that being the case, a video must be worth even more. It seems like almost every marketing website we go to these days has a video on the front page, set to automatically play when a visitor hits the site. The reason for this is because videos are terrific attention grabbers and require less energy than having to read a lengthy business or service description.

YouTube has millions of registered users around the world, which makes it the leading website to market a video. But simply making a video and uploading it to YouTube is not likely to bring you the results you’re hoping for. Getting as many views as possible along with “likes” and positive comments are all good measurements of your video’s success. But what does it take to maximize these numbers?


To read the full, original article click on this link: You Made a Cool YouTube Video! Now What?

Author:Adam Toren