Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis


Whatever stage you are at with your incubation program or career, there’s always something new to be learned. Although NBIA’s Principles and Best Practices of Success- ful Business Incubation have been around for many years, incubator managers around the world find innovative new ways of implement- ing best practices every day.

That’s why each year NBIA scours presenta- tion proposals to bring you top-notch program- ming for its International Conference on Busi- ness Incubation and Preconference Institute. The event is heralded as the premier conference on business incubation because it carefully designs a grid of in-depth workshops and con- current educational sessions on current best practices and up-and-coming industry innova- tions – all of which are presented by veteran industry practitioners.

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