Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

I spent four days in Aspen last November at the Aspen Design Summit where I worked with Tim Brown, the CEO of IDEO, and Henry King, the Global Account Manager at Doblin amongst a few others on a project with Mayo Clinic:

“The Mayo Clinic Rural Healthcare Project considered what a massive, local rural healthcare intervention might look like. The Project envisioned working across Mayo Clinic’s Center for Innovation (CFI) platforms to research, prototype and build a healthcare delivery concept to improve healthcare services in rural communities.”

“After examining the concept of community network building and well-being, the design mandate became the creation of a community health association called “” The goal is to create a network that changed the focus of the community from the consumption of healthcare to the collective production of well-being. The association’s network would allow community well-being to be driven through individual connections and change the currency of healthcare from dollars to commitment.”

To read the full, original article click on this link: Doblin’s Ten Types of Innovation

Author: The Future Well