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Founded by Rich Bendis

the journey ahead

There were three businessmen walking down a long and winding road. No-one knew how all three came to be on the road at the same time, but there they were. Their names were Safe, Potential and Already There.

Safe (as his name suggests) was happy to be wherever there was room for him. He followed the coat tails of Potential and Already There and often stopped to admire the view, then run to catch up with his two friends later, out of breath and giddy just for being around others.

Potential was a strange one. He always seemed intense, and was forever taking notes of his surroundings, and testing new directions out to see if there were other areas the road might lead. Safe wasn’t too keen on Potential – he just seemed too erratic.

Already There didn’t care for either of his traveling colleagues – he accepted that sometimes you have to put up with company, but that was a bearable annoyance when you knew where you were and now you were just enjoying the surroundings.

To read the full, original article click on this link: The Ballad of Safe, Potential and Already There | Danny Brown | Social Media Marketing Blog