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Our country’s patent system is about to get an overhaul. Both the Senate and House have proposed separate but similar bills that would radically change the way patents are filed, granted and disputed.

It’s yet to be seen what version will make it to the President’s desk, but as the discussion over the patent process heats up — especially now that the two groups need to come to some compromise — the decades-old conversation about the worth of a patent is sparking again.

I have led and been part of many technology-based startups that have benefited greatly from holding patents, in particular one mobile-based patent that was very attractive to investors and later on became a significant asset as we looked to exit.

But the truth is, getting a patent isn’t easy or cheap and it doesn’t by any stretch guarantee revenues.


To read the full, original article click on this link: JumpStart: IdeaExchange Blog » Blog Archive » Startups: Run Fast, Patent Later

Author:John Dearborn