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Hot Dog

This Fourth of July holiday, collectively Americans will eat some 150 million hot dogs, according to industry analysts. Lined up, that substantial serving of frankfurters would stretch from sea to shining sea—several times.

As of last year, franks made by industry stalwart Oscar Mayer (from Kraft) got knocked out of first place for most-consumed dogs by Sara Lee's Ball Park brand, according to Adweek (excluding sales data from Walmart).

So just what's in these wieners? Here's a quick look at the ingredient list:

Ball Park Franks: Mechanically separated turkey: As the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) describes it, this "paste-like and batter-like poultry product [is] produced by forcing bones, with attached edible tissue, through a sive or similar device under high pressure." Unlike mechanically separated beef or pork, it can be present in hot dogs in "any amount."


To read the full, original article click on this link: Observations: What's in Your Wiener? Hot Dog Ingredients Explained

Author:Katherine Harmon