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Will we recognize our robot overlords when we meet them?

“Say Cheese!”

The burst of light to my right made me pause: my photo had just been taken. Sure, the sign at the Microsoft Maker Faire tent said entering the area gave them permission to use my image, but I hadn’t quite expected anything so sudden. Or bright. I turned to find the paparazzo, and saw no one. And then, dropping my gaze some two feet, I met EDDIE for the first time.

Armed with a camera, EDDIE takes pictures of the visitors.

We regarded each other—to the extent that we could—for a few seconds before EDDIE determined that there were more suitable subjects nearby. EDDIE rolled off to the center of a more photo-friendly group. Delighted, they mugged for the camera.

To read the full, original article click on this link: A Robot in Every Home? We’re Getting Close | Anthropology in Practice, Scientific American Blog Network

Author:Krystal D'Costa