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If I see one more mind-numbingly trite platitude masquerading as leadership advice, I’m going to puke.

“Give your energy to things that give you energy.”

“Learn enough to begin and then learn as you go.”

“How can we create our preferred future?”

Who are these people that write this kind of useless fluff? Probably former TV evangelists. I’d be willing to bet that nobody who sits around spewing this kind of garbage all day long has one day of real management or leadership experience.

And I’d also bet that not a single one of the tens of thousands of people that follow this sort of nonsense are real managers or leaders in the real world. They’re probably all leadership frauds - I mean experts - following each other on Twitter like dogs chasing their tails.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Where Does Leadership Come From? | BNET

Author:Steve Tobak