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With all the focus The Brainzooming Group put into producing the “Building the Gigabit City:  Brainzooming a Google Fiber Roadmap” report, it will definitely appear as a blog topic again in the next few weeks. Collaborating with Social Media Club of Kansas City on Building the Gigabit City was tremendously rewarding. It was also intense (especially leading up to last week’s report release and press conference) and a fantastic learning opportunity for stretching the Brainzooming strategic thinking exercise methodology in our largest in-person brainstorming session ever.

I am already envisioning a variety of blog posts on Gigabit City and Google Fiber-related topics, including:

Lessons in risk taking for someone who is risk averse – As a cautious business person, it surprisingly took me less than one minute to decide we should partner with Social Media Club of Kansas City on something REALLY big tied to Google Fiber.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Google Fiber in Kansas City & Building the Gigabit City - What's Next? | The Brainzooming Group | Strategy Consulting and Strategic Planning