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Founded by Rich Bendis

Sara and David Russick have a new model for the investor network. Gopher Angels will recruit wealthy individuals to put at least $50,000 into Minnesota start-ups within two years.

Discussing dumpsters over dinner isn't exactly romantic.

But that's how David and Sara Russick spent date nights in their budding relationship. Their passion for building a trash collection business later led to their 1997 marriage and to Bagster, a start-up so successful that Waste Management bought the company and its indestructible trash bags two years ago.

Now the entrepreneurial couple is on to a new love: being investors.

The Russicks launched Gopher Angels, an investor network that will recruit wealthy individuals to put at least $50,000 into Minnesota start-ups within two years. The network will address a dire need among local entrepreneurs who are struggling to raise money to fund promising innovations.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Entrepreneurs launch angel network |