Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis


Technology is meant to serve us. Instead it increasingly runs us — and runs us down.

Where we put our focus shapes our agenda and defines our experience in every moment. More and more, we're turning over this precious resource to our digital technology, allowing it to define the depth and span of our attention, and to seduce us into operating at such high speeds that we don't notice the insidious toll that's taking.

I see it in myself, as I fight to stay focused on what's most important, and to resist the urgent, addictive, Pavlovian pull of my digital devices. At times, I feel like a lab rat, mindlessly pushing levers in search of the next source of instant but fleeting gratification. I see it, too, in my colleagues and our corporate clients, each of them struggling to manage what feels more and more like a tsunami — information coming at us in wave after wave, threatening to overwhelm everything else in our lives.

To read the full, original article click on this link: You Are Not A Computer (Try As You May) - Tony Schwartz - Harvard Business Review