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Sometimes a piece of advice, no matter how well-meaning or earnestly proffered, is instantly forgotten, or, perhaps more frequently, quietly resented.

But, once in a while, whether you’re looking for it or not, you get a gem that sticks. For one reason or another, some wise words become more than food for thought and become guiding principles, if not life changers.

Creative Social, an organization of creative professionals working in the digital marketing space, has assembled its members’ favorite bits of advice into a new book, Best Piece of Advice Ever. The book, a collaboration with artist management agency, Bernstein & Andriulli, presents the wise words along with art work from a range of contemporary illustrators and designers including Ray Smith, 12Foot6, Stan Chow, Ilovedust, and Shotopop.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Creatives Share The Best Piece of Advice They Ever Got | Co.Create: Creativity \ Culture \ Commerce