Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis


Perhaps the greatest challenge an entrepreneur faces is funding an operation once a business is up and running. I focus my analytical efforts on the discovery space, predominantly the junior mining sector – an entrepreneurial space if there ever was one (You can subscribe to our free weekly newsletter here: We’re big believers in the idea that a high quality discovery leads to long-term wealth creation – both for the entrepreneur and the downstream investor alike.

The overwhelming majority of these early-stage public companies generate no cash flow, revenue, or earnings. They exist solely at the whim of friends and family and the financial markets willingness to fund a potential “world class” discovery (a high grade gold deposit, for example). This style is akin to playing the lottery where all you need is “a dollar and a dream.” Though the failure rate of most of these entrepreneurial efforts is high, the success stories can be legendary.

To read the full, original article click on this link: How to Blow Up a Start Up -- The Biggest Financing Pitfall for Entrepreneurs - Forbes