Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

Plenary Session 1: The Role of Innovation System in Economic Development

Richard Bendis - Innovation Based Economic Development - A Key to Smart Growth

Denise Heligers - New Knowledge, New Jobs, New Solutions - Horizon 2020: Investing in Your Future

Stefan Lilischkis - Knowledge Transfer and Related Policies in Europe and in the Baltic States: Findings from the Knowledge Transfer Study 2010-2012

Takis Damaskopolous - Policy, Regulation and Governance Conditions for Open Innovation: Toward an “Enabling Framework”

Debra Amidon - Benchlearning National Innovation Systems: Dynamic Positioning for Industrialized, Developing and Emerging Economies

Piero Formica - Experimental Entrepreneurship. Sapling Says to his Dad: “When I Grow up I Want to be a Digital Book”. Learning How Events Supposed not Happening, Happen


Plenary Session 2: How to speed-up Knowledge Flow in Innovation System

Jose Puigpelat - The Future Prospects of the Enterprise Europe Network

Siemon Smid - Lessons Learnt from Commercialization of University IPR from Estonia and its Impact on Entrepreneurship and Industry?

Jonathan Loeffler - Science - Transfer - Business - The Steinbeis Model in the German State of Baden Wuerttemberg

Isak Bukhman - TRIZ Technology for Innovation

Ivars Kalvins - Country Report – Latvia: Does Innovation System in Latvia Encourage Competence Building and Science – Industry Cooperation? Current Situation and Future Prospectives

Jaak Raie - Country Report – Estonia: Estonia: On the Road to Sustainable, Not- Supported Business Development and Incubation Services