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A new professional consortium of business advisors has been created in North Carolina to help entrepreneurs commercialize new products and technology. The RTP Product Development Guild, Inc., was founded by Montie Roland, President of Montie Design, Inc. and Thomas Vass, President of The Private Capital Market, Inc.™

The RTP Product Development Guild ( is a private organization of consultants who share a common interest in promoting technological product innovation in the RTP regional economy. The members of the Guild provide entrepreneurs, inventors or small engineering companies independent consulting advice and guidance on commercializing product ideas and technology. The initial consulting advice takes place under a structured format that applies to all projects for approximately 6 months. There is no charge of fee associated with the first 6 months of consulting services. After the free period of advice, members of the Guild agree to perform additional tasks at a reduced fee, under a payment format that includes both fee-for-service, and equity options in-lieu of fees.

"Many of us in the product design community have known that if we could cooperate among ourselves, we could be more effective in increasing the success rate of new product development," said Roland, who is President of the Carolina Chapter of the Product Development Management Association (PDMA). "Our challenge has been to find the right organizational structure to allow us to cooperate in an effective manner. Our new Guild, with its meeting facilities located in Morrisville, N. C., gives us a platform to deliver consulting advice to entrepreneurs and small companies."

To read the full, original article click on this link: New North Carolina Product Technology Commercialization Group Announced: The RTP Product Development Guild, Inc.

Author: Tom Vass