Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis


Greensboro, NC – The Alliance for Global Good (AFGG) today announced the opening of competition for its new Innovation Fund. Designed to increase the sustainability of medium-­‐sized, US-­‐based nonprofits that work on solving global problems, the Fund encourages action on mission-­‐relevant financing to support an organization’s revenues and to develop new programs to fulfill the nonprofit’s mission.

“As the past few years bear out, organizations heavily reliant upon traditional sources of nonprofit support such as government funding and individual donor contributions can too easily fall victim to the economic see-­‐ saw.” said David M. Brand, AFGG’s President & CEO. “There is growing awareness that a mix of traditional funding and self-­‐sustaining, earned revenue provides for greater resilience.”

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