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Founded by Rich Bendis

Fred Seddiqui is a successful entrepreneur in Silicon Valley and current CEO of Lugano and a Palo Alto University Trustee.   This is his journey. 

On many occasions during my career, I have been asked the question, "Is entrepreneurship something you are born with or can it be taught?" The answer to this question is not easy, however, I will sum it up in the simplest terms as yes AND no.

First, let me address the "no" answer and demonstrate that entrepreneurship has to be a part of us.  For me, the concept of entrepreneurship and the feeling of not going along with the norm were an integral part of my mind and psyche since my earliest memories.  I could not tell you why I thought differently and was dissatisfied with being a part of the mundane and commonplace daily life happening around me.  I began working early in my teen years and quickly found that the jobs I was given becoming boring to me rather quickly.  This created a sense of frustration and lack of fulfillment with my jobs that went on for years until I became an entrepreneur and follow my passion. 

Now, with many experiences in entrepreneurship and started several companies, I learned through my professional journey that risk affinity or risk aversion is intrinsic to our individual personalities.  However, the environment around us can support and enhance what is an integral part of our being.  I am not a psychologist, but my association as a trustee with Palo Alto University, one of the most prestigious psychology university's in the United States, has given me the opportunity to learn about and discuss the matter of how psychology plays a major role. 

Let me address the "yes" answer that entrepreneurship can be taught.  Today we can find innumerable universities and colleges across the globe, all of which have entrepreneurship programs and that teach entrepreneurship either as an independent course or part of a larger curriculum.  The many skills that successful entrepreneurs need are taught in these institutions of higher learning, and there are different levels of courses offered in the areas of finance, business, management, marketing, team building, creative thinking, organizational behavior, venture financing, law/regulations, etc. 

What is the conclusion?  Born or Taught?  Read more about PAU's groundbreaking entrepreneurship initiatives.

Contact information: Fred Seddiqui, CEO of Lugano, 1-650-520-3451, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

SOURCE Palo Alto University
