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Humans are well-intentioned but lazy creatures; give us a long-winded report about sustainable retailers and we will quickly forget about it. Give us a printable, color-coded guide telling us what brands to avoid and it just might make an impact. Climate Counts, a non-profit that rates companies once a year on their voluntary efforts to mitigate climate change, hopes to do just that with its Striding Shopper campaign.

The campaign, which is being rolled out over the next five weeks, ranks 150 companies representing over 3,000 brands with a color-coded system--red for "stuck," yellow for "starting," and green for "striding." The ranking is based on 22 criteria that determine whether companies have measured their climate footprint, cut down on their potential climate change impacts, supported progressive climate change legislation, and publicly disclosed their climate actions.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Climate Counts Offering Color-Coded Sustainable Shopping Guide for the Holidays | Fast Company

Author: Ariel Schwartz