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job interviewOK, hiring is a loooong topic and I couldn’t do it justice in single post. But I thought it might be useful to do a headline view of the key components and then come back and do the individual topics over time if people seem interested. I’ve been recruiting for 20 years so I’ve learned a few things along the way. I think this can also be a great resource for others to chip in with other suggestions since I clearly don’t corner the market on recruiting advice.


1. Define criteria for judging – I find that many people I know go into interviews without thinking about what is important to them first.  In fact, many people just go into interviews and “wing it.”  If that’s you then vow never to do it again.  You’ll never have a great outcome without some planning.  I recommend that you design a standardized form broken down into high level criteria such as, “Intellect, Work Experience, Personality, Attributes Required for this Job, etc.” and then sub categories underneath.  Example: Work Experience can be broken down into: has managed a team, has led direct sales efforts, has worked for a startup before, etc.  And on this form score everybody 1-10.

To read the full, original article click on this link: How to Improve Hiring at Startups

Author: Mark Suster