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Founded by Rich Bendis


August 19, 2011 This week, I launched a crowdfunding campaign with IndieGoGo for my short film "Asha,” featuring Manu Dhingra, a friend and 9/11 survivor who suffered second- and third-degree burns to 40 percent of his body after escaping from the World Trade Center.  The documentary captures Dhingra’s battle with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and how he discovered a passion for cooking that has aided his recovery and contributed to his sense of hope.

Our primary goal is to get millions of people to watch this seven-minute film. In order to do that, we need to raise money. We have a small budget, only $5,000, from what we hope is a large number of people motivated to help make “Asha” come to life.


To read the full, original article click on this link: How I Launched My Crowdfunding Campaign : Money :: American Express OPEN Forum

Author:Shira Levine