Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis


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innovation DAILY

Here we highlight selected innovation related articles from around the world on a daily basis.  These articles related to innovation and funding for innovative companies, and best practices for innovation based economic development.

Welcome to the first Intelligent Communities Summit!

The Summit provides an exceptional opportunity for CEOs of corporations, mayors and senior municipal government officials, business leaders, economic developers, educators and interested individuals to meet and hear international leading-edge community, academics and private sector leaders who will share best practices and engage participants to brainstorm on the next steps in leveraging technology for community development. These next steps will be designed to help businesses and communities weather economic storms, prosper and improve quality of life.

Over the past 20 years, Moncton transformed itself from a blue-collar town with an uncertain future to one of the most diversified and fastest growing metropolitan centers in Canada. The success of its transformation is entirely due to its focus on the Broadband Economy, and how all stakeholders have collaborated to leverage technology for community development.

The hard work of the past two decades was recognized earlier this year when the Intelligent Community Forum in New York named Moncton one of the 2009 Top Seven Intelligent Communities in the world. In fact, the Canadian Province of New Brunswick has been identified by the Intelligent Community Forum as a best practice model. This year, two New Brunswick cities, Moncton and Fredericton, are among the 2009 Top Seven Intelligent Communities.

Innovation is alive and well in Canada

Recession is a time for battening down the hatches, staying the course and avoiding unnecessary expenses -- right?

Not according to Canada's entrepreneurs, who are in a fighting mood as they await a recovery. In a new survey, 61% of business owners said they are investing in innovation and/or research and development this year, which may surprise business-watchers who think small business owners are innovation laggards.

NineSigma Surpasses 1500 Mark in Open Innovation Projects

CLEVELAND, OH -- 09/01/09 -- NineSigma, the leading provider of open innovation solutions, today announced that it has conducted more than 1,500 open innovation projects since its inception in 2000. This milestone is a result of the company's steady growth in the number of new clients and expansion into new geographic areas including Europe and Asia. With each project, the company continues to build its extensive community of innovation providers and reach top innovation talent across industries and disciplines. To date, NineSigma has...

Guest columnist: Looking for more than dollar$ - Find the right investor

RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, N.C. - So you have completed your business plan, determined how much money you need, practiced your presentation, and are now ready to approach angel investors to raise the capital needed to launch your business. But, you don't know any. You have heard about the angel organizations in the area. You have read about the venture capital firms as well. Where do you start looking? Here are some tips to finding angel investors:

Biotech Cools Off in August But Capital Markets Remain Positive

SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 1 /PRNewswire/ -- Just as biotech was "hot" in July it was a different story in August as the Burrill Biotech Select Index suffered from the summer "blahs" and posted a lackluster performance to close down 1.1 percent. The broader markets, on the other hand, continued their upward swing with the Dow closing the month up a healthy 3.5 percent and the Nasdaq closing up 1.5 percent.

Real World, Green Innovation for Corporate America: Harvard’s five steps

This month’s Harvard Business Review (HBR) has many folks in the corporate community asking questions and talking about the new business opportunities around sustainability. The September issue features a range of articles covering new green technology, sustainability as a business innovation driver and new energy sources for business.

Govt and angel fund team up for tech sector

A new investment partnership is looking to invest up to $8 million developing technology ventures emerging from life sciences, engineering and information and communication technology research.

The partnership is between government-supported fund manager New Zealand Venture Investment Fund (NZVIF) and angel investment network AngelLink.

BW: Does the US Face an Innovation Crisis?

Ever since the late 1950s the United States has suffered bouts of insecurity about its innovation lead. The Russians in space. The Japanese in industry after Industry. And now the Indians and Chinese. The latest flurry of worries was clearly brought on by a combination of the dot-com bust and the acceleration of outsourcing. It has blossomed into a full-blown anxiety attack with the global recession and the clear signal that a lot of the most obvious US innovation in the first eight years of this decade was so-called financial innovation—which brought disastrous results. Now the calls for action are louder, including this package we at BusinessWeek put together in the last issue.

Debate Swirls Around SBIR Program

When Congress returns next week, reauthorizing the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grant program will be one of the many decisions policymakers need to address. BioWorld Today explored the VC loophole in a story today (“Squabbling Over VC Loophole Leaves SBIR Program in Limbo”). The article fairly presents both sides of the argument regarding whether majority VC-backed firms should have limited eligibility for the program.

Hope Is Not A Strategy for Venture Capital

In the late 1980s and early 1990s, VC was viewed as a small, exotic and risky opportunity. During the tech boom of the late 1990s, VC was widely viewed as a surefire ticket to riches. Now, two stock-market crashes later, many investors are concerned about the anemic returns they have received from their VC investments over the past 10 years – Venture’s Lost Decade. Is venture capital likely to continue its recent record of underperformance?

Entrepreneurs Prefer In-person and Online Seminars Over Degree ...

New York, NY (Vocus/PRWEB ) September 1, 2009 -- New research finds that small business owners learn in many different ways, but they have a strong preference for seminars over undergraduate business and MBA university courses. Use and Value of Resources by Small Business Owners and Nonprofit Leaders: A Survey Conducted by Ventureneer. a soon to be report, also finds that going online is a popular way of taking seminars.

Skoll Foundation Invests in Leading Social Entrepreneurs

PALO ALTO, Calif., Sept. 1 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The Skoll Foundation announced today second round investments in fifteen social entrepreneurs in its portfolio driving large-scale impact worldwide. In addition, the Foundation announced the first Skoll Award for Social Entrepreneurship in its 2010 round, a $765,000 grant to Civic Ventures, plus investments in two key partners who promote social entrepreneurship and social innovation, Ashoka and ShoreCap II. In aggregate, the new grants and program-related investments total $14,165,000.

Exploring Innovation Clusters

The OECD has a new publication exploring the challenges OECD countries now face in sustaining their positions and the lessons for other places seeking to build successful clusters. Titled “Clusters, Innovation and Entrepreneurship”, the book addresses the following questions: What are the key factors for cluster success? What problems are emerging on the horizon? Which is the appropriate role of the public sector in supporting the expansion of clusters and overcoming the obstacles?