Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

innovation DAILY

Here we highlight selected innovation related articles from around the world on a daily basis.  These articles related to innovation and funding for innovative companies, and best practices for innovation based economic development.


Out of the chair, on to the treadmill

The physical state of our bodies can either serve or subvert the quest to create genius, Fast Company member Jonathan Fields blogs in a recent post.

Life, he says, seems to value output over humanity and the ability to sustain genius, and as a result, attention to health, fitness and exercise almost always take a back seat. But choosing art over health, rather than art fuelled by health, he argues, kills you faster. And it makes the process so much more miserable, leading to poorer, slower, less innovative, and shallower creative output.

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I’m fortunate, in my work for The Next Web, to have the chance to see the best and the brightest of technology on a daily basis. With graduates of programs like TechStars, Y Combinator and Startup Bootcamp knocking on our metaphorical doors, we’re able to see what these accelerators are putting out onto the street.

What we don’t often get to see is what goes on inside the walls of the accelerators. Oh sure, we have the TechStars TV show on Bloomberg and I have had the opportunity to sit in with TechStars’ Boulder location a time or two, but that still doesn’t tell the full story. What we wanted was the opportunity to, from genesis to demo day, dig in and see what makes a startup accelerator tick.

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You always hear that you need a business plan, but is it true?  If you talk to ten experts, it’s likely that five will tell you “yes,” and five will tell you “no”.  At the end of the day though, even if you don’t “need” a business plan, that is, a written document titled “Business Plan,” the exercise of putting one together will benefit you and your company in a wide variety of ways.

As you’re no doubt aware, business plans are typically associated with raising capital, particularly when they are discussed in the context of startups and other early-stage businesses.  Once you move into the realm of more established companies, you’ll often hear business plan and “strategic plan” used interchangeably.  The bottom line is, regardless of what you call the document, in order to create it, unless you’re going to sit in a back room and “business plan in a vacuum” on your own, you will work with your team to research and write the plan.  In this work with your team, you will discuss the past, the present, and the anticipated future of your business.  These discussions will force you to consider issues and scenarios that may otherwise not come to light in the absence of such a planning process.  This alone has tremendous value.

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There have been mixed reactions to the new America Invents Act.  While the bill may be far from perfect, some of the concerns U.S. universities have had over the change to a First-to-File system are overstated in my opinion.  Some are claiming that the conversion from First-to-Invent to First-to-File will greatly hurt individual and academic inventors who don’t have the resources to file patents as quickly as large companies. While that’s true, I think it misses a key element of technology transfer.

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Crowd Funding

Asking people for money is never easy, but it's a crucial step in building a business. In the current economic climate, with bank loans hard to come by, hitting up family and friends for cash is one of the few ways would-be entrepreneurs can get a company off the ground.

What if there was another way? Creative thinkers in the nonprofit world have come up with a game-changing model for increasing donations: crowdfunding. Combining the far-reaching power of the Internet with an accessible, low-entry-cost attitude, crowdfunding sites have shown that a lot of small contributions can add up to a major impact.

One of the most successful crowdfunding sites,, facilitates microfinance lending around the world. The site profiles the people and projects looking for funding, whether it's a shopkeeper looking to expand in Honduras or an Iraqi widow who wants to buy an industrial sewing machine for her growing tailoring business. Donors can contribute as little as $25, with the expectation that they will be paid back (Kiva borrowers as a whole have a 98% repayment rate).

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Popular crowd funding platform Kickstarter has announced that more than 1 million people have backed at least one project, resulting in more than $100 million dollars in pledges.

Kickstarter allows users to post their projects and find funding for them from the Kickstarter community. Everything from the iPod nano watch to indie films have gotten their start on the crowd funding website.

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Empty Pocket

This year, a jittery global market, a tumultuous IPO window, sinking investor confidence have tested the startup bubble. Now, a new report shows venture capital funds, especially early stage-focused funds, are struggling to raise money to pass on to startups.

According to newly revealed statistics from Dow Jones LP Source, a total of 32 venture funds in the United States were able to raise $2.2 billion during the third quarter of 2011.

This figure represents a 24 percent drop from the Q3 2010; during that period, 40 VC funds raised $2.9 billion.

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Even as Wall Street is being occupied and corporations are reviled, there is a revolution quietly raging across the country that empowers corporations to be a strong force for good. This week, California joined that revolution when Governor Jerry Brown created two new classes of corporations for businesses that seek to pursue both profit and purpose: Benefit Corporations and Flexible Purpose Corporations.

These new legal structures are revolutionary in two ways. First, they broaden the duty of a company beyond maximizing shareholder value to include maximizing stakeholder value, such as operating the business in an environmental and social responsible manner. Second, they increase transparency and accountability.

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Recently, I was talking to a client in London who was providing in-depth help for start-ups. He pointed out that in the past few years we have seen brands capture the imagination of millions of people across the global because of their focus on the user experience, simplicity and great functionality - in a word, design.

You can see this clearly with Apple, Facebook, Groupon and Twitter. And it is this focus on design that can make London a global innovation centre in the next decade.

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Where should you retire? The Melbourne Mercer Global Pension Index takes a very high-level view of this question, asking which countries do the best job of providing for their retirees. Out of the 16 countries studied, the United States ranks only tenth. Given the crumbling of the defined benefit system and stock market fluctuations that have taken a bite out of many defined contribution plans, that’s perhaps not surprising. What is a bit of a shocker is exactly which countries are doing better than the United States in providing for their older populations.

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There are many reasons people want to work from home. Quick quiz: what’s your top reason?

A. I have a long, difficult commute that represents time I could be working, as well as needless environmental waste.

B. I am more productive in a quiet, relaxed setting where I am not constantly interrupted.

C. There is nothing in my job that requires being in a specific place, so why not work wherever it’s most convenient?

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Open Refrigerator

The cellular industry, despite getting more than 100-percent penetration in many countries, is just getting started. According to the GSMA, the number of total wireless connected devices is expected to more than double from 9 billion today to more than 24 billion in 2020. That growth will be paced by strong momentum in mobile connected devices which are expected to increase from 6 billion today to 12 billion by 2020.

This will create a $1.2 trillion market opportunity for the wireless industry, a sevenfold increase from expected revenues in 2011, according to the study conducted by Machina Research.

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Pittsburge, PA

If you want to see how American communities can reinvent themselves to compete in today’s global economy, just walk through downtown Pittsburgh. Once abandoned steel plants now house a thriving cluster of innovative robotics companies.

This didn’t randomly happen. Pittsburgh’s leaders made a concerted effort to develop a regional economic cluster as the centerpiece of the city’s economic development strategy.

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ImageDear friends of The Technopolicy Network,

First of all, we would like to thank you for an excellent and exciting conference. You have given us an average appreciation of 8,6 out of 10, which is a great result. You will find several pictures of the conference on
Because of the many interesting discussions that occurred during the conference, we have decided to create The Technopolicy Network’s Linkedin group for our members. This will provide a platform to continue discussions and networking. Contact us for more information.
We look forward to seeing you again at one of our future events!
The Technopolicy Network Team
The Technopolicy Network
|| Koninginnegracht 27, 2514 AB The Hague, The Netherlands || ||
|| (t) +31 70 360 7155 || (f) +31 70 358 4475 || (e) This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ||


Market Size

The angel investor market in Q1,2 2011 showed signs of stabilization since the 30% market correction in the second half of 2008 and the first half of 2009. Total investments in Q1,2 2011 were $8.9 billion, an increase of 4.7% over Q1,2 2010, according to the Center for Venture Research at the University of New Hampshire. A total of 26,300 entrepreneurial ventures received angel funding in Q1,2 2011, a 4.4% increase from Q1,2 2010, and the number of active investors in Q1,2 2011 was 124,900 individuals, virtually unchanged from Q1,2 2010. The increase in total dollars and the matching increase in total investments resulted in a deal size of $338,400 in Q1,2 2011, comparable to the deal size in Q1,2 2010 of $337,300.

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Unless you've been in a coma for the past 20 years, I'm sure you're familiar with the phrase "get out of the box." It's everywhere. Whole industries have sprung up around it, including mine.

No one can deny that getting out of the box is a good thing to do. Seems like a no-brainer, eh? Kind of like helping little old ladies cross the street. Or tearing down the Berlin Wall.

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Our elected officials give disproportionate attention to the smallest small businesses when evaluated from the perspective of economic impact. Microbusinesses account for a tiny fraction of GDP and employment, yet our elected officials trip over each other trying to help and praise them.

Why are micro businesses so important to policy makers?

I think the answer lies in the two charts shown below. While businesses with between zero and four employees account for only 5 percent of private sector employment, they make up 61 percent of all businesses with employees. By contrast, big business – companies with 500 or more employees – account for the majority (51 percent) of private sector employment, but comprise less than one percent of companies.

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Brain-machine interfaces have made it possible for monkeys and some humans to control robotic limbs using just their thoughts. But ideally, a person using an artificial limb or other device would not only be able to control the device, but also feel what it's touching.

A new study from the lab of Miguel Nicolelis at Duke University Medical Center takes a first step toward such an interface. In a paper published today in Nature, his team reports that monkeys can learn to operate a virtual-reality hand that incorporates tactile feedback.

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Everybody wants Y Combinator to fund their startup.

Paul Graham, who founded the popular startup accelerator, just tweeted that Y Combinator is now getting one application every minute.

That's more than 1,000 applications per day, assuming some slowdown in the pace during night hours. (Although maybe not -- the global economy never stops.)

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Innovation Technology

Since my first involvement with the ever growing East London Tech City, I’ve noticed that the social interaction is creating an electric atmosphere in Shoreditch. The lively restaurant and bar scene is also fuelling a vibrant business networking environment.  Tech-centric events are happening around the area — including the Silicon Roundabout Meet Up, the Mini Bar Meet and the Silicon-Drink-About.

One of the Co-Working spaces that have been a haven for me is the TechHub facility.  I have participated in a number of events, including their Tech Tuesdays and their 1st Birthday party – both of which orientated around beer, pizza and tech dialogue. I know what you’re thinking; we British really do enjoy a good pint.

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