Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

NASVF in partnership with the National Council of Entrepreneurial Tech Transfer (NCET2) are pleased to offer the new online Seed and Venture Capital Training Course Program. The Seed Funding and Venture Capital Course Certificate Program is an insider view to the venture capital process offered. Topics covered in the courses includehow angels and VC's identify investable startups, what needs to be in the business plan, how to build effective leadership teams, how to do a deal and what terms to avoid, and what to do after you get funded. The cost of the course is $297.00 and students with verification is $75.00. The list of instructors and registration information can be accessed through the following link:

To read the full, original article click on this link: NASVF to Offer New Online Seed and Venture Capital Coursesat