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U.S Still Leads the World in Innovation, Despite Economic Crisis; America Also Strong on Personal Freedom and Community Life, Finds Legatum Prosperity Index Finland is the Most Prosperous Nation Overall, While the United States, Ranked 9th, is the Top-Performing Large Nation. Poor Performance on Health Drags the U.S. Down

LONDON, October 26 /PRNewswire/ -- The third edition of the Legatum Prosperity Index, published today, ranks 104 countries (covering 90% of the world's population), based on a definition of prosperity that combines economic growth together with measures of happiness and quality of life. Finland tops the Index, with the U.S. ranking ninth out of 104 countries in the Index, ahead of large European nations such as Britain, Germany and France, which all still make the top 20. Finland is narrowly ahead of Switzerland, Sweden and Denmark; Zimbabwe ranks last, following Yemen and Sudan.

U.S Still Leads the World in Innovation, Despite Economic Crisis; America Also Strong on Personal Freedom and Community Life, Finds Legatum Prosperity Index