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Small business.

We hear each of these terms, sometimes used interchangeably, but what really is the difference? Is it just semantics? Here’s my take on the 3.


Fifteen years ago, no one ran a startup. I’m not even sure when the term was first coined. I know with the dot com boom, there were startups everywhere. These days, startups tend to be tech services and more often than not are seeking either funding or to be acquired.

What seems to differentiate startups from small businesses and entrepreneurs is their risk/reward level, at least according to Steve Blank. Startups are volatile, and many fail. But investors who do put money into startups often make their money back tenfold. Look at companies like, MusicMatch, Groupon. Whether they were bought by giant corporations or are going it alone (as Groupon still is), they certainly prove the risk/reward model.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Startup vs. Entrepreneur vs. Small Business | Lead411 Blog

Author: Susan Payton