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The Department of Defense pre-released its 2010.1 SBIR Topics this morning. The solicitation will be open to proposal submission from December 10, 2009 at 6AM ET through January 13, 2010 6AM ET.

You may directly contact the Topic Manger (listed with the topic) to ask technical questions/clarification prior to December 10th. After this date, your questions and the responding answers will be made public on the website. The DOD is looking for specific solutions to their specific problems A clear understanding of the full problem, mission of the unit needing the solution, and the role of any prime contractors already involved in the solution can be critical information necessary for an effective proposal. Be sure to take advantage of this time to ask questions while you have a competitive advantage.

The DOD components with topics in this solicitation are:

  • Army
  • Navy
  • Air Force
  • CBD

Each component has its own set of instructions, so be sure to read the DOD’s the full solicitation and the component’s specific instructions. The DOD has its own DOD SBIR search engine to search for topics specifically in this solicitation. All proposals will be submitted through the system.

From: sbir GA