From: Federal Technology Watch
The US Chambers Global Intellectual Property Center (GIPC) has released a report highlighting different methods of technology diffusion, the process of providing technology to other nations, while hailing intellectual property (IP) as a key to advancing green technologies to the developing world.
"Green technologies required to address the global challenges of climate change will come through innovation," GIPC executive vice president Mark Esper said Nov.11. "A strong system of IP rights will serve as the empowering mechanism to advance these technologies to developing nations."
The report, Promoting Technology Diffusion to the Developing World, analyzes threats to innovation and technology diffusion, existing obstacles to this diffusion, and recommendations for improving the transfer of technologies to nations that need them. These obstacles include laws, regulations and policies imposed by host nations as well as high tariffs and lack of proper infrastructure.
In addition, the study focuses on recommendations for improving technology diffusion, including establishment of a strong legal framework, fostering an environment that encourages increased r&d, improvements to local infrastructure, and investments in human capital.
"This study not only disproves the myth that IP is a barrier to technology diffusion, but it identifies the real barriers to technology transfer and offers real solutions," Esper said.
GIPC is working globally to champion IP as vital to creating jobs, saving lives, advancing economic growth, and generating breakthrough solutions to global challenges.
"In recent years, some foreign governments have unjustly labeled IP as an impediment to the diffusion of technology, and this simply isnt the case," said Esper. "This study indicates that domestic issues and undue regulations impede progress, and stand in the way of innovation derived from strong IP rights."
GIPCs report is at: < >
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