Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

Mark Heesen

This morning, the NVCA released the Q4 2010 venture capital performance numbers from our partner Cambridge Associates and the news continues to be encouraging. As you can see in the press release, venture returns improved at the end of the year in nearly every time horizon, marking the second consecutive quarter in which we saw meaningful increases.

Based on current exit market activity, we feel that the venture industry is on a steady, upwards trajectory rather than experiencing a quarterly blip. In other words, barring any unforeseen market dynamics, returns hit bottom last year and are headed back up. Still, we do have a ways to go before the venture industry can boast the type of performance that compels limited partners to expand their venture capital allocation beyond what it is today.


To read the full, original article click on this link: Venture Capital Performance Continues to Improve

Author:  Mark Heesen