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Everyone seems to be busy these days. And so, we’re all looking for some life hack that will free up time and make our lives run like well-oiled machines.

In the year since my book, 168 Hours (out in paperback today), was published, I’ve been asked for my fair share of these tips. Should I run my errands in a certain order? Should I file emails a certain way? Should I buy a quicker washing machine?

Well, you can. If you really want to achieve a time breakthrough, though, you can try this. When I talk about my book, I give the audience a copy of a spreadsheet with 168 hours on it. That’s the number of hours in a week. The sheet is blank. The idea is that the person will fill in the cells with her schedule over the next few days. But first, I tell the audience to ponder the sheet’s emptiness. Why?

Because the next week is as much a blank slate as that piece of paper.


To read the full, original article click on this link: The Biggest Time Saving Tip Of All | BNET

Author:Laura Vanderkam