Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

Message in a bottleI understand that you can get rich off iPhone applications. Projected revenue for Apple’s App Store in 2011 is $2.91 billion, and 70% goes to app developers.

I know we’re overwhelmed by stories of big money in tech startups (see Facebook’s $50 billion valuation and the box office success of The Social Network).

That said, I’d like to deliver a message to Millennials – you can innovate with a different purpose. There are new and exciting platforms for social impact.

More than 5 billion people now own mobile phones.

50% of people on the African continent use mobile devices, and they will soon be ubiquitous.


To read the full, original article click on this link: A message to Millennials: Innovate to save lives – Global Public Square - Blogs

Author: Josh Nesbit