Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
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Mark Holtzman

f you feel trapped in a cubicle, the thought of being your own boss can be intoxicating. But are you really ready to declare your independence from that steady paycheck and start your own business?

California native Mark Holtzman, 57, says had reached a stage where he needed something of his own. He had hit a dead end in the small, family-owned truck dealership where he worked after more than two decades in sales. The only career progression was to become a part owner and the owners weren't offering that to him.

"I had a family, wife, and kids that I wanted to at least have something for in the future and I wanted to be able to get ahead and not at the mercy of the whims of somebody else," he recalls.


To read the full, original article click on this link: Ready to Declare Your Independence? A Seven-Point Checklist

Author:Gwen Moran