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Photo/WILLIAM OERI Mercy Julia Obukwa, who is in the pioneering class of eight at Chandaria Business Innovation and Incubation Centre at Kenyatta University, with Dr Manu Chandaria during the launch of the programme on July 8, 2011.

Mercy Julia Obukwa, 21, will not be knocking at anybody’s door in search of employment when she leaves the university in a few years.

The Third Year arts student at Kenyatta University is already making a living from her school work and the institution is promising to help her make more money.

Her career mentor, Ken Monari, describes Mercy as a well grounded student with a good head on her shoulders for managing shillings and cents.

“I was very touched recently when, on making a good sale from her paintings, she used the proceeds to pay for her mother’s hefty hospital bill.


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