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Job creation may be as bipartisan an issue as they come, but the Kauffman Foundation's latest effort to prompt new legislation aiming to jump-start the economy with startups will likely stall out.

The Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, a Kansas City-based small-business research organization, today offered up a four-point plan for how to both support the growth of startups and to help create jobs. That plan, dubbed the "Startup Act," is effectively an entrepreneur's wish list that includes giving smaller companies wider access to public capital markets, providing "Entrepreneurs’ visas" and green cards to foreign students with degrees in science, technology, engineering and math, making permanent the capital-gains tax exemption currently available on long-held investments in startups and providing expedited patent processing in exchange for higher fees.


To read the full, original article click on this link: The Startup Act: A Nonstarter?

Author:Diana Ransom