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Botteri: Europe still lacks entrepreneurial culture

As a war of words kicks off over the state of the European venture capital industry, the return of a French VC from the Valley to London seems strangely apposite. Philippe Botteri, a Frenchman, but nurtured in the ways of American VCs, brings an interesting perspective on the differences between the two worlds: some of it to do with the fractured European market, some of it do with the nature of European politics and a lot of it to do with a lack of entrepreneurial culture. Not all that surprisingly he didn’t see a lack of risk by European VCs.

The biggest difference, he said, was that old problem. European cultural attitudes.

“Working for a start up is different from working for a big company,” he said. “One of the things I have seen in the U.S. is the readiness of people to be entrepreneurs, to create something new, to take their destiny in their own hands and to create their own dreams.”


To read the full, original article click on this link: Entrepreneur Culture Rather Than Risk Is Europe’s Problem - Tech Europe - WSJ
