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We often talk about all the things businesses are doing right with environmental sustainability. And that’s how it should be: Being an environmentally conscious company is a positive thing and worthy of applause. But there’s also value in evaluating what’s not working so well – what can be done better.

In that spirit, here’s a list of five common mistakes that small businesses make when going green:

1.      Not rolling out sustainability broadly enough. Sustainability can’t be a one-trick pony. Consumers are becoming leerier of companies branding themselves as “green” because they, say, installed energy-efficient light bulbs. They’re looking beneath the surface and seeking validation that companies they support are incorporating green practices across the board – from office energy use to water use to supply chain management. To avoid being accused of “greenwashing,” you need to show a commitment to lowering your carbon footprint as much as you can.


To read the full, original article click on this link: 5 Mistakes Businesses Make When Going Green

Author:Kelly Spors