Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis


We had so much fun a few weeks ago giving a presentation at an Executive Leadership workshop for startups. We chose to speak aboutLeading (Instead of Following) Your Growing Business.

As you probably know entrepreneur’s satisfaction is really important to us. We have dedicated a lot of our work to making sure that entrepreneurs don’t become disenchanted with their businesses as they grow, which it turns out is a very common occurrence. The tendency as an entrepreneur can be to follow the thing that’s making the most noise – your customers, the marketplace, the dollars, your fans, your passion, etc. But we don’t want entrepreneurs to follow their companies or these external forces. We want people to lead, and lead with not just the market and the business in mind but also themselves. Entrepreneurship is your opportunity to get what you want! So don’t give that up, even for noisy clients, dollars, etc. Instead get clarity around what is important to you, specifically three things, and build this into the direction of your business.


To read the full, original article click on this link: Images of Entrepreneurship: What Being an Entrepreneur Looks Like to Us - In Good Company