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The Institute for Imagination and Ingenuity may sound like something from a David Foster Wallace novel, but the newest project from Saudi Arabian part-time scientist, part-time superhero Hayat Sindi has more idealistic ambitions. Known simply as the I2 Institute, the organization is trying to develop a culture of entrepreneurship and innovation in the Middle East by teaching promising candidates how to collaborate with mentors, identify networking potential, and pitch ideas to both potential investors and the public at large.

The problem isn’t really connected to education, Sindi tells Co.Design. It's that there’s no infrastructure in the Middle East that allows young people to apply the education that they already have. “I meet hundreds of young people and they get good university educations in the West. They just need an environment to flourish.”

To read the full, original article click on this link: What's In A Logo? 4 Insights About Nurturing Innovation, Actually | Co. Design