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New York City is home to two of the world's most prestigious liberal arts universities. The Big Apple is rivaled by Silicon Valley, and on some levels Boston, as a home base for internet and other technology firms. However, New York lacks a major science and technology university. Big names such as Cornell University and Stanford University are competing to open a tech campus on the East River... and, well, New York needs it.

Mayor Michael Bloomberg's administration has been vocal about their desire to bring a world-class applied science school to New York City. The media-titan-turned-mayor is accepting proposals for an applied science campus to be built on city land; submissions are due on Friday, October 28. A who's-who of local and national names are hoping NYC will give them the contract--Stanford University, Cornell University, Columbia University and New York University are all involved in the process.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Nerd York City: Why Bloomberg Wants A NYC Tech Campus | Fast Company