Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis


Boston's Innovation District will get a new building next year — the Boston Innovation Center — that could become the neighborhood's hub. It'll be built on land across Northern Avenue from the Institute of Contemporary Art, and not far from the MassChallenge's digs at One Marina Park Drive, the mostly-empty high-rise on Fan Pier. And the city officials nudging the project along seem to hope it will develop into something like Microsoft's NERD Center, which hosts dozens of community events each week in Kendall Square.

"We're not quite ready to talk about it," says real estate developer John Hynes of Boston Global Investors; his firm is building the Seaport Square project that the Boston Innovation Center would be part of. "But the primary purpose will be meeting room and conference and networking space for the younger workforce. It'll be geared to new businesses in innovative industries."

To read the full, original article click on this link: Boston is getting an 'Innovation Center' to serve as a hub for the Innovation District - Innovation Economy -