Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis


Today is another historic day for startups and our economies. It is the opening day of the fourth Global Entrepreneurship Week, the world’s largest celebration of the innovators who launch startups that bring ideas to life, drive economic growth, and expand human welfare. In three short years, Global Entrepreneurship Week has expanded to more than 120 countries and this week organizers are expecting nearly 11 million people to show up at over 40,000 planned events and activities.

New firm formation remains a creative and messy process that fits well with such a grassroots movement. But unlike political movements, nascent entrepreneurs are not railing at institutions or waiting for resources or direction. They are waking up, thinking, creating, solving, collaborating, mentoring and making it happen. This week is about such people who see a glass as half full and a less predictable world as an opportunity. GEW is now mapping the entrepreneurial ecosystems that will support those individuals, building the networks that will mentor them and finding the partners and even financial backers that will propel them. A global movement allows their great ideas to be floated across the world for resources that will catalyze their growth.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Global Entrepreneurship Week Movement Blasts Off in 123 Countries -