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Trecently migrated laptops.

Alarming how simple that sentence looks. I mean, migrations are long and hard, and things die. They have an alarming inevitability. Everything in their path gets trampled. Being able to express that in a single tiny sentence seems unfair.

Unfortunately there’s little that can be done about the endless hours and megabytes you will spend on downloading Windows updates, and there’s no relief for us Windows XP diehards who now have to come to grips with Windows 7 (having gleefully avoided the Vista bullet). And for some reason, Windows makes it as difficult as technologically possible to set up networks between computers running different operating systems. But having survived, and being now in a position where I only slightly view my new laptop as an alien invader, I thought I’d offer a few suggestions that might help other intrepid adventurers/desperadoes mourning the loss of their most loyal computing companion.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Six ways to make migrating to your new laptop less of a nightmare | memeburn