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There has been a lot of media buzz in recent months about the makeup of the tech landscape. Many industry observers say there is a serious lack of racial, ethnic and gender diversity among startup founders and other tech executives — essentially, that it’s a field dominated by white men. Now new data indicates that the venture capital industry that funds many of those tech companies is similarly homogeneous.

VC field: white and male, especially at the top

On Monday the National Venture Capital Association (NVCA) and Dow Jones VentureSource released the results of the 2011 Venture Census survey, which polled nearly 600 individuals in the VC industry. Of the respondents, 87 percent were Caucasian, nine percent were Asian, two percent were African American or Latino, and two percent were of “mixed race.”

To read the full, original article click on this link: NVCA survey: VC industry still very white, mostly male — Tech News and Analysis