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Founded by Rich Bendis


How did you do on quantities for your Thanksgiving feast? Are you faced with the not-so-enticing prospect of eating turkey, stuffing and sweet potatoes for the next several weeks?

Just in case that might be the case, I spent a little time searching for recipes calling for cooked turkey. Yes, of course, you can plow through the foods in their original form, but I like to shake things up a little and transform leftovers in to a new dish.

My criteria for suitable recipes to pass along to you were that the dishes were 1) delicious, 2) quick to prepare, 3) use what would probably be on hand (who wants to go back to the store today?) and 4) have an unusual or unexpected flavor. I think I have some fun and tasty offerings for you.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Got turkey leftovers? Add some creativity