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Founded by Rich Bendis


Attention, overachievers: Don’t fear failure. It could be the key to success.

If you’re taking risks in life, you’re bound to fall flat on your face now and then, and as every successful business owner can attest to, mistakes are part of the game. The smartest among us learn how to become wiser from our failures.

So instead of talking to more success stories, for this installment of our Entrepreneurship 101 series, we decided to talk to five entrepreneurs who launched business ventures that failed. While it took them a while to see the upside of these failures, they shared with us the biggest lesson they learned and how it’s helping them (and can help you) today.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Entrepreneurship 101: What I Learned From My Failed Business | Career | Money Tuneup | LearnVest - Where life gets richer