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Where is the place to go to if you want to be on the forefront of open innovation in Asia? Well, that place does not exist. OK, but what are the top 5 countries to look out for if you are interested in open innovation in Asia?

This is a tough call as there is not that much open innovation activity in Asia. However, here you get my picks based on my insights and interactions in this region. It is a quick-and-dirty list, but let’s use it as a discussion starter on open innovation activities in Asia.

My top 5 open innovation countries in Asia:

1. Malaysia: This is a controversial choice as Malaysia is not known for open innovation activities at all. However, I think the country has the potential to become the open innovation hub in Asia. Imagine a place where the best conferences happen, universities that encourage research on open innovation practices, service providers that choose Malaysia as their Asian HQ, small companies that huddle up in clusters while they innovate together with larger companies in Malaysia and globally.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Top 5 Countries for Open Innovation in Asia | 15inno