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According to a recent survey on entrepreneurship by Amway Europe, the Turks and Swiss top the list for entrepreneurial spirit in Europe. The research indicates that in both countries 50 percent of the population has a positive attitude toward establishing their own businesses. Another encouraging finding came from the Global Entrepreneurship Index 2010, which places Turkey, with 8.6 percent, in 28th place, ahead of countries such as the US and Germany; the figure indicates the ratio of people out of one hundred adults who have set up businesses.

And according to the report “Entrepreneurship in Turkey 2010,” the rate of institutional entrepreneurs among the 18-64 age group has more than doubled: The rate, which was 4.8 percent in 2008, increased to 10.7 in 2010. Turkey takes ninth place, its rate of entrepreneurs setting up business for the first time being 5.1 percent, among the 24 countries surveyed. The author of the report, Esra Karadeniz, assistant professor at Yeditepe University, said at the Second Global Entrepreneurship summit in İstanbul on Dec. 4 that the figures indicate that the number of entrepreneurs in Turkey has risen and that the enterprises have gained a lasting character in the economy.

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